Job description Tým montážníků potřebuje nového PŘEDÁKA! Čeká vás práce na jednu směnu ve stabilní společnosti na Písecku.Náplň práce:Organizace a kontrola práce podřízených pracovníků na montážíVedení cca 5 lidíSamotná montáž strojů (cca 60 % času)Cestování i mimo ČR (předávka, oživení strojů) - sl...
Job description Do výrobní firmy na Táborsku hledáme novou posilu na pozici ELEKTRIKÁŘ!Čeká vás práce ve třísměnném provozu a moc pěkné mzdové ohodnocení. Navíc se můžete těšit na moderní pracovní prostředí.Náplň práce:Servis a údržba zařízení ve výroběSpolupráce s ostatními odděleními ve výrobě Req...
Our client’s Microsoft Business Solutions team is a Microsoft Gold Partner and leader in Microsoft software implementations for medium to large organisations, providing their clients with the ability to keep up with the ever-changing digital world by implementing Microsoft’s Enterprise Resource Plan...
Our client’s Microsoft Business Solutions team is a Microsoft Gold Partner and leader in Microsoft software implementations for medium to large organisations, providing their clients with the ability to keep up with the ever-changing digital world by implementing Microsoft’s Enterprise Resource Plan...
Our client’s Microsoft Business Solutions team is a Microsoft Gold Partner and leader in Microsoft software implementations for medium to large organisations, providing their clients with the ability to keep up with the ever-changing digital world by implementing Microsoft’s Enterprise Resource Plan...
Our client’s Microsoft Business Solutions team is a Microsoft Gold Partner and leader in Microsoft software implementations for medium to large organisations, providing their clients with the ability to keep up with the ever-changing digital world by implementing Microsoft’s Enterprise Resource Plan...
Our client’s Microsoft Business Solutions team is a Microsoft Gold Partner and leader in Microsoft software implementations for medium to large organisations, providing their clients with the ability to keep up with the ever-changing digital world by implementing Microsoft’s M365, Azure, Microsoft’s...
Our client’s Microsoft Business Solutions team is a Microsoft Gold Partner and leader in Microsoft software implementations for medium to large organisations, providing their clients with the ability to keep up with the ever-changing digital world by implementing Microsoft’s M365, Azure, Microsoft’s...
Our client’s Microsoft Business Solutions team is a Microsoft Gold Partner and leader in Microsoft software implementations for medium to large organisations, providing their clients with the ability to keep up with the ever-changing digital world by implementing Microsoft’s Enterprise Resource Plan...
Our client’s Microsoft Business Solutions team is a Microsoft Gold Partner and leader in Microsoft software implementations for medium to large organisations, providing their clients with the ability to keep up with the ever-changing digital world by implementing Microsoft’s Enterprise Resource Plan...