We help the world run better
Our company culture is focused on helping our employees enable innovation by building breakthroughs together. How? We focus every day on building the foundation for tomorrow and creating a workplace that embraces differences, values flexibility, and is aligned to our pu...
Premier Customer Care, Service Level Performance of FedEx Strategic Business, Top Tier Enterprise Global and Regional Customers Support, Service Analysis Performance, Continuous Improvement, Data Analytics Across Multi-Regional and Cross Operating Companies’ Customers, Root Cause Analysis, Outstandi...
We help the world run better
At SAP, we enable you to bring out your best. Our company culture is focused on collaboration and a shared passion to help the world run better. How? We focus every day on building the foundation for tomorrow and creating a workplace that embraces differences, values fl...
Job Description We currently have an exciting opportunity at SGS for an experienced lead auditor specialising in the EU In vitro diagnostic medical device regulation (IVDR). This role will support the expansion and development of the SGS IVDR certification service across our global network. As a sen...
We help the world run better
Our company culture is focused on helping our employees enable innovation by building breakthroughs together. How? We focus every day on building the foundation for tomorrow and creating a workplace that embraces differences, values flexibility, and is aligned to our p...
Popis nabídky práce - Péče o klíčové zákazníky/obchodní partnery v online prodeji - Příprava a implementace zákaznické strategie (Customer Strategy) - Návrh sortimentu a seznamu výrobků (Listing) pro zákazníka a jeho aktualizace - Příprava a vedení jednání o smlouvě a obchodních podmínkách - Návrh s...
We help the world run better
Our company culture is focused on helping our employees enable innovation by building breakthroughs together. How? We focus every day on building the foundation for tomorrow and creating a workplace that embraces differences, values flexibility, and is aligned to our pu...
Do naší prestižní soukromé kliniky hledáme lékaře GYNEKOLOGA Požadujeme: - Ukončené vysokoškolské vzdělání - Způsobilost dle zák. č. 95/2004 Sb. v daném oboru - Znalost anglického jazyka na komunikativní úrovni Nabízíme: - Nadstandartní platové ohodnocení - Práce od pondělí do pátku (víkendy volné)
We help the world run better
Our company culture is focused on helping our employees enable innovation by building breakthroughs together. How? We focus every day on building the foundation for tomorrow and creating a workplace that embraces differences, values flexibility, and is aligned to our
Pro našeho klienta hledáme dynamického a motivovaného obchodního zástupce s vášní pro interiérový design a stavební oblast. Pokud máte stavební vzdělání, komunikativní angličtinu a hledáte příležitost uplatnit své obchodní dovednosti, pak jste to právě vy, koho hledáme! Náplň práce • Vyhledávání nov...