Pozice specialista péče o zákazníky v obci Jičín. Vyhledáno 172 nových nabídek v této lokalitě.

Node.js Backend Developer for FaceUp = Startup with Social Impact

  • FaceUp Technology s.r.o.
  • , Brno,
  • před 14 dny

We are FaceUp, the number one online tool for anyone who wants to speak up. Since 2017, weve been helping thousands of schools worldwide combat bullying, cyberbullying, and other challenges their students are facing Four years ago, we expanded into the ...


Node.js Backend Developer for FaceUp = Startup with Social Impact

  • FaceUp Technology s.r.o.
  • , Brno,
  • před 14 dny

We are FaceUp , the number one online tool for anyone who wants to speak up . Since 2017, weve been helping thousands of schools worldwide combat bullying, cyberbullying, and other challenges their students are facing Four years ago, we expanded into the ...


Node.js Backend Deloper for FaceUp = Startup with Social Impact

  • FaceUp Technology s.r.o.
  • , Brno,
  • před 22 dny

We are FaceUp, the number one online tool for anyone who wants to speak up. Since 2017, weve been helping thousands of schools worldwide combat bullying, cyberbullying, and other challenges their students are facing Four years ago, we expanded into the ...
