Pozice udržba letiště v obci Příbram. Vyhledáno 139 nových nabídek v této lokalitě.

Node.js Backend Developer for FaceUp = Startup with Social Impact

  • FaceUp Technology s.r.o.
  • , Brno,
  • před 17 dny

We are FaceUp, the number one online tool for anyone who wants to speak up. Since 2017, weve been helping thousands of schools worldwide combat bullying, cyberbullying, and other challenges their students are facing Four years ago, we expanded into the ...


Node.js Backend Developer for FaceUp = Startup with Social Impact

  • FaceUp Technology s.r.o.
  • , Brno,
  • před 17 dny

We are FaceUp , the number one online tool for anyone who wants to speak up . Since 2017, weve been helping thousands of schools worldwide combat bullying, cyberbullying, and other challenges their students are facing Four years ago, we expanded into the ...



  • Grafton Recruitment
  • , Brno,
  • před 20 dny

Job description Ovládáš REVIT na pokročilé úrovni? Chceš využívat AJ na denní bázi? Máš zkušenosti v oboru stavebnictví nebo TZB?Neváhej a dej nám o sobě vědětNáplň práce:tvorba strukturálních modelů, výkresů a plánůprezentace návrhů a provádění ...


Senior Data Engineer/Architect

  • hays-gcj-v4-pd-online
  • , Brno,
  • před 27 dny

The Role OverviewAs a Senior Data Engineer Architect, your key responsibility will be to design and sustain a robust data infrastructure and pipelines that facilitate informed decision-making and advanced analytics. You will work in close collaboration ...
