Do naší společnosti hledáme kolegy na pozici lakýrník.Co Vás u nás čeká?Detailing a leštění lakuMíchání nátěrových hmot dle předepsaných poměrůOrientace v technologii lakováníMaskování vozu podle výkresové dokumentaceManuální lakování velkých vertikálních ...
Job description We are looking for an expert in cloud technologies to join our international companyDo you have experience with Azure, including individual infrastructure and security components? Can you communicate fluently in English and handle ...
Do naší společnosti hledáme nového kolegu na pozici Controller.Co Vás u nás čeká?Příprava podkladů a spolupráce při měsíčních závěrkáchSpolupráce při tvorbě reportů + vysvětlení hospodářského výsledkuSpolupráce při tvorbě rozpočtů a forecastůZpracování ...
Nenašli jste vhodnou pozici mezi našimi nabídkami? Nezoufejte Pošlete nám svůj životopis a my se pokusíme najít místo, které bude odpovídat Vašim znalostem, dovednostem a zkušenostem. Pokud momentálně nemáme odpovídající pozici, uchováme si Vaše údaje pro ...
Reboot Monkey is a global leader in IT solutions, specializing in data center management that simplifies your IT operations. We provide hosting space, future-proof upgrades, and 24 7 support through our smart or remote hands, ensuring seamless, secure, and ...
Starting Date: as soon as possible Do you have experience as a concrete carpenter and you wish to professionally evolve in a modern environment, in highly developed cities, such as Amsterdam, Maastricht or Montfoort? We are continuously looking for ...
Starting Date: as soon as possible Do you have experience as an auto mechanic and you would like to develop professionally in a modern environment, in highly developed cities, such as Amsterdam, Maastricht or Montfoort? We are continuously looking for auto ...
Starting Date: as soon as possible Do you have experience as a wood carpenter and you wish to professionally evolve in a modern environment, in highly developed cities, such as Amsterdam, Maastricht or Montfoort? We are continuously looking for carpenters ...
Starting Date: as soon as possible Do you have experience as a tire fitter and you would like to develop professionally in a modern environment, in highly developed cities, such as Amsterdam, Maastricht or Montfoort? We are continuously looking for tire ...
Starting Date: as soon as possible Do you have experience as a cook and you would like to develop professionally in a modern environment, in highly developed cities, such as Amsterdam, Maastricht or Montfoort? We are continuously looking for independent ...